You Are Analytical |
You are both clever and practical. You strike the perfect balance between two extremes. You spend time with your head in the clouds, but your feet are still firmly planted on the ground. You tend to be a bit reserved, but those who know you know how much you care. You prefer your own company, but you're always willing to make room in your life for a kindred spirit. |
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
Yep ... that would be too! Aren't we perfect. LOL!
ugh ... I meant' 'would be ME too" ...
embrace it!
I got something that was far from accurate. :D Still it's always fun. :D
"Hmmmmm". You agree?
I'm that one too :)
I'm balanced, sometimes!
I am easily amused.
No really, that's what mine said. It's true, too.
I am open.
You are a positive and easygoing person. You are content to let people be who they are.
You believe that each person is on his or her own path. It's not up to you to tell others how to live.
You believe that it's important to live in the here and now. You don't get hung up on the past or the future.
You are content with your life as it is. As long as you have people to love and a roof over your head, you're good.
Hope you are good too Mama :)
I'm Open... Pearl Jam has a song with that titl! Coincidence? I think not!
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