- I love being home alone.
- All of the nearby Starbucks are undergoing renovation.
- By home alone, that means without humans. Not dogs.
- Aren't hummingbirds amazing?
- Whoa, Vancouver? What is it about hockey??
- Did you know leukemia is still the number one killer of children?
- I hate cancer.
- I love my job.
- My Baby Bird has been gone for a day and I already miss her.
- However, I will have a nice, vicarious trip this summer.
- I wonder if Augie will step up his mommy time?
- I love Yerba Mate tea.
- Have you ever bought anything from that Sky Mall magazine?
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
I love being home alone too, without dogs. :D
I hate cancer too. :(
I'm looking forward to my summer trip to AZ, and I'm counting the days. A while to go yet!
How very stupid of the Vancouver fans.
I love living alone...with dogs. I have a hummingbird building a nest in a tree outside my window...can't see it, but I watch her bringing fuzzy stuff into the tree while her lazy mate watches from afar.
Leukemia is the # killer of kidlets but yet the ACS gives less that 1% to research childhood cancers. They do however like to plaster their literature with the pictures of their little bald heads. Sorry, this is your blog, and I get carried away...
Why do big boys who play games for a living have to act like that?
Almost bought a hummingbird feeder yesterday. I should have.
I would prefer alone without the yard mowing. Still thinking on the dog.
You figure out how to get more time with Augie, you be sure to let me in on the "boy" thing okay?
I hate cancer too.
I love being home alone too .. and I think the Vancouver fans were obnoxious .. what are they .. French or something?
Never bought a thing from that Sky Mall .. overpriced is putting it mildly
I love being home alone. I'd like to order a heaping helping of that, please.
I love being home alone too!
At the same time? Werid.
Hummingbirds are amazing.
I think Vancouver is taking lessons from the good ole US of A.
No, I did not know that. Sad. :(
Me too.
Me too.
:( :)
Me too.
Yes and it was a piece of junk.
Love ya!
I have a bag of loose yerba mate tea leaves. It's so fine there's little particles in my tea mug. Me no likey!
I love being home alone too.
And yes, hummingbirds are quite amazing. I love to hear them fluttering around my ear when I'm watering plants by the feeder.
I've (stupidly) bought dozens of things from the Sky Mall magazine. I think only one really worked...
You are so funny. You are really traveling a lot when you stat shopping from the Sky Mall. Why not? It's just expensive.
Being home with just the dog sounds wonderful for one day. Then I'd be lonely.
I love my dog he's so adorable.
Being home alone is the best. I'd prefer to be alone without cats but given the sheet number between the two houses (mine and the parents next door) I figure it will be the year 2030 before this place is catless.
I heard that it was not the Vancouver fans, but rather professional anarchists that travel in packs and create havoc. They're armed, too. The Vancouver fans were out cleaning it all up today.
Tell Annie she needs to use special tea bags for the fine looseleaf tea. I like Yerba Mate too.
And I'm thinking nah on the Auggie thing. Sorry, Mama. But maybe he will surprise us! xoxo
ok, I've not heard of Yerba Mate...what am I missing??
I love my alone time too at home and YES I think humming birds ARE amazing!!! Cancer IS THE PITS!!!! I wish you were coming back to Arizona....
A certain Vancouver-based Blister of ours says that the rabble-rousers were from a sketchy suburb, nowhere near where she's from.
I was home with just one of my 3 kiddos - not even the dog - this weekend but I may as well have been alone for as much as we interacted. I offered to take him out to go see a movie and he said he would be embarassed to be seen at the movies with his mom. So I said FINE and went and got myself a pedicure. Harumpf.
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