- I feel guilty when I turn off my GPS before I reach my destination. I feel like I'm hurting Sylvia's feelings for cutting her off.
- What is it with people in the passing lane who insist on hanging out there at 50 mph? On the phone.
- I could sit at a New Jersey rest stop and people-watch all day.
- I do not like waiting to cross the George Washington Bridge. Or the Cross Bronx Expressway.
- Blinkers anyone?
- How about those folks who pull out right in front of you and then proceed to drive 5 mph? Including through stop signs.
- How do we feel about vanity plates? Is it my imagination or does Virginia have the most?
- If I move to Virginia I need to create a vanity plate, too.
- Those people who pull out in front of you? Don't you wish you had a James Bond missile launcher in the front of your car?
- I cannot stop thinking about my vanity plate.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
It should say HOTMAMA
Too funny! I have very similar thoughts as I head to and from work four days a week (expect for the bridge thing!). My favorite are people who pull out in front of you, cutting you off, when there is absolutely NO ONE behind you for like a billion miles!
Those missles sound like a good invention to me!
One of my peeves is when people cannot pick a speed on the interstate. They will drive 90 to get by you and then pull in front of you and slow to 55. So you pass. And then they will drive 90 to get by you, etc etc
Don't get me started on dumb a** drivers!!
The vanity plate on your car with the James Bond missile launcher could say "JANEBOND".
I like the missile launcher idea. And a splat gun, with bright yellow paint balls. I think Sylvia would approve, too.
Let's see. For your vanity plate? How about MT NSTR. Okay, I'm really bad at this. Never mind. Definitely go with HOTMAMA. :(
Move to Virginia, specifically Mathews County, and the only bad drivers you'll have to worry about are the ones wearing hats (sometimes with a feather) who can barely see over the steering wheel. These people are the same ones who drive down the road with their blinker on. All the time.
The good news is we don't have any of those sorts of drivers on our lane, so you'll be fine when you buy your house and move in.
Oh, now I've read the comments. I can't think about a vanity plate, because I think that's my grandpa who is driving 5 miies an hour through the stop signs, too. I thought he died years ago, but he must be on an extended road trip. I miss him. Send him my way.
And those little old ladies who sit on pillows to peer over the dash. I love 'em. My best friend was one such. She makes me laugh just to think about her. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such wonderful memories.
Yes...I think VA is the home to vanity plates. It gives our prisoners something to do.
Dealing with a bit of road rage today?
How was the shopping trip for two? Please, do tell.
i think illinois has the most i laugh everytime we get there its all you see!
I want a vanity plate because I believe it will help me find my car. My husband is horrified at my desire and my inability to find the car.
What would you vanity plate say? Don't keep us in suspense.
When I was in high school, mine read - are you ready for it? - KEETHA
I still have it.
Not on my car, obviously, but I still have it.
I think you just reminded me again of why I'm happy to be in Podunk without traffic at all. I don't miss all of that.
I was commenting to my hubby just the other day how I hadn't been flipped off by another driver since I left the city, you know?
Dontcha hate the ones who pull out in front of you without warning, then flip you off as if YOU did something wrong?
You should drive in Virginia! We (not including me) drive like that all the time. Except here it is 40-45 in the passing lane. I got pulled out on 3 times on my way to work this morning, and I don't even drive on an interstate!! Yes, I do wish I had a missile launcher, except I'd spend my entire earnings on new missiles because of running out so often.
I thought the same thing while visiting my parents in VA the other day!
I thought we had all the bad drivers in Mississippi. You thinking about moving to Virginia? Is it cheap? I need cheap. I would like to give flat tires to the fast lane self appointed traffic controllers with cell phones and no minds.
I've often thought of how much fun it would be to have water ballons stashed in my car to bomb left laners with or those who text while driving or talk while driving or put on make-up while driving or tail-gate.
Me? Road Rager? Nahhhhhh!
Regarding Virginia vanity plates... according to this article we are the vainest state of all... pffttt, who cares... I LOVE MY VANITY PLATE! hee hee
Snappy Di
I'm pretty sure you are right about Virginia having the most vanity plates. If nothing else they are definitely some of the most creative.
You should check out my post today and see the picture of the ultimate vanity plate :)
Yes we have the most vanity plates here. And the English language has gone to the dogs because of them. And yes I added to the confusion of it all! Now lets see-a vanity plate for you....MENTAL,IBD-MAMA,IDA-MAMA,or WINE PLZ. Yep thats it!
I would like to hear some of your ideas for you plates please.
It's not just you. Virginia has the most vanity plates. I even looked it up for you!
And I've said it before and I will say it again: People need to stay the hell out of the HAMMER LANE. Unless they're hammering, that is.
The GW Bridge wait I also despise. Do I sound cranky?
LOL!! Saying what we are all thinking.
It made me laugh & think of W. C. Fields' performance in 'If I Had A Million'. He was so tired of road hogs wrecking his cars that he spends half of the million dollars he won, to buy old clunkers & go around wrecking Road Hogs. It's hilarious & you can see the scene here:
Daryl: A tad better than what I was thinking: MentalMama or MNTLMAMA
I believe that MO and VA have the most vanity plates.
You are so funny : ). Oh my gosh, so funny! So, what would your vanity plate say? : ) How about Wlwrt4win
Will Write for wine?
Ok, clearly, I should NOT ever EVER be a vanity licence plate writer : )
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