I am sort of a Weather Channel junkie. I think it is a factor of my advancing years. And my nerd level. We have been watching a blob of clouds, named Danny, in the Atlantic all week. It is turning out to be a loser in the hurricane world, but, whatever, it'll give us Cocktail Corner girls an excuse to go the The Black Duck for lunch tomorrow and ride out the storm with some lunch. And some drinks. And in light of all this, I want to share my predictions of some future hurricanes:

Happy Weekend everybody;)
I love your hurricane predictions and am lamenting geography in general, that it causes me to not be able to join you at The Black Duck. That sounds like more fun than you can shake a stick at.
Pretty funny forecasting, and probably about as accurate as the Weather Channel guy. While Hurricane Illinois sits on its haunches relaxing, Speedy-Tornado Illinois has made me go to the basement with a flashlight and bottle of wine in the past.
My husband so loves hurrican season. He used to chart them on this big map. does that sound nerdy??? I know.
My daughter is very excited that the "E" name is her name, Erika, spelled correctly.
funny, little things that make us happy!
Have a drink for me!
I love the path of Hurricane Freud!! But my mind slips into the gutter easily.
I spit my sugar free/fat free coffee at the screen because I just about LOST it from laughing so long and so hard. I needed a laugh like that...
I COMPLETELY understand your obsession and it has nothing to do with age...it is the nerd in us.
I have been laughing at the models for days since they don't really know what to do with the dump called Danny...but here is my forecast.
It is going to rain buckets and then usher in the cold air!
Hurricane Freud *snicker*. You are hilarious!
I'm a weather junkie too. I go to weather.com everyday and check the weather all over the US. So nerdy.
I'll drink to that. Gimme some Hurricane punch.
If anyone wants to know where a hurricane will make landfull, all they need to do is follow me on vacation. Wherever I am, there will be a 125% chance of a hurricane or other natural disaster.
have fun at the black duck!
That would be landfall, not landfull and certainly not landfill, which is the word reserved for the state of the inside of my house.
I wish I lived up near Cocktail Corner .. its raining here on the UWS ... FEH to Danny and last week's Bill for making my weekend soggy
You are too funny! See you at the Duck tomorrow!
If you created this map, you are way to smart to be my running partner....only kidding. Love it and enjoy lunch tomorrow.
I love the one in Illinois. But the pair of testicles just off Louisiana is probably my favorite.
BWAHAHAHAHA...I have long suspected it, but now it's official...I less-than-three you! You know why. I'll just say, those of us that get sucked in need to stick together! :)
Off to seek quietude...
Love your predictions - one thing we don't worry about in Nevada.
oh my gawd woman you crack me up!!! This is hilarious! Bravo. Love your map.
Hehehehehe - Your map is better than the Weather Channel's!! I really love Hurricane Illinois!!
Us weather nerds have to stick together!
I love anything that gives us the chills....tornados (they are spectacularly fearsome and beautiful), hurricanes, etc!
And btw - that map just about made me pee I laughed so hard!
I would like to join you for a drink. We had a rash of guests trying to cancel rooms this weekend because they were sure the hurricane would wipe out Narragansett and send our inn off to another world. Looks like none of that is going to happen. We might even have sun PDQ
Surfers are waxing up again.
And, Freud once said that sometimes a peninsula is just a peninsula...
..."And thank you Meteorologist Mental Pause Mama, and now back to you Stan the Sports Man"...(said like Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore Show :o)...lol
...Have a drink for me too, you lucky duck!
...Blessings... :o)
...Oh and btw, if ever and I do mean ever, they name a hurricane "Screw-It-Let's-Just-Trash-Florida-Again", I will literally die. I will die from laughing my a** off! lol... :oD
Oh, this is so funny. My life looks like that. I should make a graph. And name each of the dang uncontrolled lines for my CHILDREN.
That's about the size of it! I am married to a weather junkie who always, always roots for the Big One. He's still salty because we missed 2 feet of snow in February 2003 because we went to the Bahamas.
I actually pay good money to have desktop weather on my computer - I must know the weather at all times. I can choose 5 locations, so if we are going someplace, I switch one of my locations to there so I will know what to expect. That, my friend is a dark side* - no wait, it's weather nerd. I'm going now, to batten down the hatches - that IL one looks like it might be here by tomorrow.
*name that movie
Catching up here...kids are gone and you are okay! Did you get the job? How's the weather?
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