- The more time I spend on this planet, the less I know.
- Have you ever noticed that the people who say they don't "do" drama, are the ones with the most of it in their lives?
- I have a whole bunch of snappy Tweets in my head. I think I should write them.
- I got a notice yesterday that it was time to schedule the pool closing for the winter. gah
- I keep thinking that I need to teach my babies more life lessons before they leave for school next week.
- Like: You have to have respect for yourself and your body before you can have it for anyone else. I hope they already know this...
- And, if your gut tells you something isn't right, then it isn't.
- Always wear clean underwear.
- And no matter whether I am ready or not, they will go next week.
- And it will all be okay.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
You don't need a photo. I went upstairs and looked at my pantry and then looked at my kitchen counters and then I fainted and then I said, "Annette is the queen," and then I clumped back downstairs and said, "I don't have one thing to say on my blog," and then my inner voice--I hate my inner voice--said, "If you were wonderful like Annette then you could post a photo of your clean pantry," and then I killed myself, trying to get rid of that pesky inner voice.
The end. The bitter, nothing to blog, end.
I am so glad the beach never closes... regardless of time of year or temp. I am also glad at the moment I do not own a pool no matter how BADLY I wanted one earlier this year.. why you ask because the mosquitos at my house are currently the size of chicken hawks and I am afraid if I had a pool they would mutate to pterodactyl proportions.
...I don't think we, as parents, are ever ready to let them go...
Don't schedule that pool closing until I come for a visit. I haven't been in a pool all year.
It will be ok. I am quite sure that you have taught them well. Also, they know you are only a phone call away.
I try very hard not to have drama in my life...it's everyone else's drama that I end up dealing with because I am usually "the calm one".
It will be OK mama. Take deep breaths...
"Always wear clean underwear" Best advice ever. It just is.
You'll do fine, mama! Those babies are ready to spread those wings, and that is what we raise them to do.
They'll be home, with lots of laundry!
You're completely correct in that those who claim to not want drama seem to be immersed in it. I wonder if that would be why they stop appreciating it, eh?
Next week! Is it just me or did THAT come up fast? Where has this summer gone anyway?
I would like to say something that would make you feel better about next week's departures--like, remember this when they move home when they're 25 and you're still trying to get them to move back out when they're 30--but I just really "got nothin'" because you are going to miss them in a way that will be totally new. No matter what, you just will.
I say you'll be able to get past it quicker if you just go ahead and embrace it. With stellar advice such as this, I know how comforted you must feel when I say we're here for you. :)
It is mandatory for all Moms to pass along the clean underwear advice.
It will all be okay. I just know it.
Have you read The Maytress by Annie Dillard? I read this scene last night about her son growing up and it about did me in.
It will be ok!
I couldn't agree with your first comment more, I feel exactly the same way!
Time to clean the pool for winter? Already? It is still in the 90s here and will be for at least another month or two.
It WILL be okay - your kiddos grew up with you and have had a lifetime of good advice to store up for when they need it most!
I remember my mom telling me to always wear clean underwear...JUST in case.
amendment: my aunt told me if you don't have clean underwear, turn what you do have inside out.
Be careful about following advice.
and none of us are never, ever ready.
which is what they make beaches for.
It will be okay.
I am working towards my minor in drama!
Where did the summer go? I have only wore my suit 3 times this year.
Little T already knows everything~he may not have to go to college.
It will be all okay. Use it as a mantra.
Oh, how I know that panicked feeling the week before the nest-leaving. Why did we spend so much time pushing academics, and so little time teaching them real life lessons?
Why did we do everything for them, and how will they manage on their own?
But they do, Mama, they do. You've given them the roots to keep them grounded; now is the time to give them their wings. They'll love you just the same.
Big Hugs.
You will cry, and cry, kick some furniture, cry, maybe throw something....and then be okay.
i am so cracing up with the texts with auggie lol
hope you have a great weekend!
Why on earth would someone NOT wear clean underwear? This one I never understood.
It's going to be okay, Mental P. It is. Your kids are going to do spectacularly. And you're going to do a lot less laundry.
I'm betting you already taught them the important stuff. I think you just want to make sure!
They are so lucky to have such a great mom! And it's going to be so okay.
BTW- I really don't do drama. The biggest drama in my life is avoiding my in-laws who are drama addicts! Poor TOG!
It WILL be okay. Except for the random moments when it's not. But those get fewer and further apart. (of course I'm talking about YOU here. They will be fine from the get-go)
I'm sure they'll flourish at college.
drama touche' I hate it and it's always there. Course my hyperactive overactive emotional responses have NOTHING soever to do with it!
lot of wisdom in this little post.
clean underwear is a big deal.
we are never ready for little ones to leave, and big ones sometimes are not ready to get on with it!
It WILL be ok! And those who don't DO drama are just saying that they don't do anyone else's drama but their own!
I haven't visited lately, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you with the babies leaving. You will cry like Suz said. You'll feel lost and shitty but then they'll start needing you in other ways and you'll be okay. It's the suckiest transition in the world but we all have to do it. I still hate it, butw we suck it up because we WANT them to be independent, right? ((Hugs))
Wait, what about sunscreen? YOU TOLD THEM TO WEAR SUNSCREEN, RIGHT?! OHMIGOSH! They HAVE to wear sunscreen!
This comment brought to you by Drama Queen For a Day, helping you find your balance in the world since 2009. Well, since thirty seconds ago.
Hang in there MPM. Thinking of you. : )
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