The Connecticut State Legislature had a difficult time with the budget this year.
The man speaking is my town representative.
The two playing solitaire and the one reading ESPN are not.

I sometimes have to dip into my savings to pay my taxes.
And this is what I am funding?
I wish this were a joke.
But it's not.
Priceless. Should share that with FOX News or CNN.
Nice to see your dollars hard at work.
If they were employed by the Big 3, they would be fired. Unless, of course, they were union. Then they would be given overtime pay so they could finish that hand.
The picture? Disgusting.
They must be former employees of Lehman they got a bonus or something...
That is just so sad...this does need to go viral.
Of course they only call out Dems playing card games, I wonder what kind of games the Republicans were playing...hmmmmmm
How utterly depressing!
How utterly depressing!
Jules is right, the Repugs are most likely to be surfing the child porn sites
I'm outraged and I don't even live in Connecticut.
I think the grey haired lady missed a move. so need to find out who these two represent and flood the district with copies....or just call Fox!
I say give all gov officials free cell or mah jong...maybe they will forget to pass a few bills.
I keep hoping it was a photoshopped picture.
What an outrage.
Damn, that pisses me off!!
Overworked or underplayed.
I thought our elected leaders were beyond surprising me, but they're not. Just appalling.
It would make me feel better to know a few heads rolled over this. What are the chances of that?
This has been all over the news, and I was so tempted to send it to you. We all need to hold our elected officials accountable for how they spend our tax dollars.
Noe Noe Girl, heads can the ballot box.
Are you sure?!? Holy cow! Makes me sick! Has it hit the media? (I don't watch the news, so I don't know!)
I am not voting for one single incumbent in the next election. It's time to send a message. You don't get things done, you're gone.
And to think these folks get a lifetime pension equal to what they are being paid, and their spouse after them, if they die first. They also don't have to worry about healthcare. So what is their incentive to do anything for the rest of us?
Well that makes my CT arse all kinds of cranky. Where'd you get the pic?
OMG, I could just go off right now. I mean seriously...imagine what else you are paying for. Sheesh.
...That's. Just. Sad. :o(
...Blessings... :o)
Well, it looks like a joke. And it IS ridiculous.
Wow. That is sad. Very sad. Do you think you could sit there all day and pay attention though? I would definitely have to be on facebook or blogging! It's a good thing that I am not a state senator! : )
Ha! They got caught. And yet others do worse things and never get caught. Thangs that make a big difference in how we live. Sometimes they even get praised. It's enough to hark a dog.
AMEN! You're not alone, my Dear!
This is the greatest use of a cellphone camera--ever! I assume that is what it was taken with. Despicable.
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