When our cat got sick in July,
giving her her medicine became my daily cardio event.
Now we can put it in her food.
It's a win-win.
Noelle gets her medicine...
And mama gets to keep her blood in her own body.

And another thing that has happened?
Noelle has taken her power back.
She's in charge again.
My sister in law, the Winetipper, came over yesterday.
And I served her a nice glass of Malbec...
Complete with one of Noelle's beautiful white hairs.

One of her medications is a diuretic...
that would be the cat's, not Winetipper's...
and the litterbox is our new battlefield.
The clumping litter has some sort of reaction with the meds.
And the result is cement-like rocks.
So yesterday, after a glass of our Malbec?
Winetipper and I set about putting a liner in the litterbox.
The genius behind that was that the whole shebang
could simply be lifted up and tossed.
No jackhammering of the dreaded litter rocks would ever be necessary again...
A happiness fell across the land.
And this morning?
Litterbox liner FAIL.
Noelle managed to shred her liner thoroughly.
No litter was soiled at all.
And under the liner?
Oh, and the litter she managed to get all over the floor?
Help me.
Oh my! The whole liner thing - I could have predicted that failing. We tried it once a LONG time ago. I don't know who has the cats that leave the liners alone!
The cat hair in the wine - had to laugh since we find cat hair in all kinds of odd places with our two kitties.
Glad to hear the med situation is better for you. My kitties WILL NOT eat food with meds in it. *sigh!*
I'm confused. Doesn't everyone's wine have car hair in it?
Liners.. not for real cats, I'm afraid.
You're too funny. :)
Bad kitty! Bad, bad kitty!
Have you tried the crystals? They ROCK. Seriously.
I keep thinking that the only logical litter box is those electronic ones that clean themselves. I can't afford one either though.
To keep litter off the floor we took one of those $5 storage tubs from Wal-Mart, you know the kind everyone has filled full of stuff in their garage? We cut a hole in the side halfway up that's big enough for the cat. It keeps her stuff in there and not all over the floor. It also seems to cut down odor somewhat to not have the box out there open.
We don't line it with anything other than newspaper, so when we dump it we dump the entire mess in a garbage bag, then hose out the thing, dry it, then go again.
Oh Lord. This calls for the experts. I don't know who the experts are, but this definitely calls for them.
I'm a lot of help, aren't I?
Years ago, my Mom decided to try the liner thing. Her cat, under cover of darkness, worked diligently until she had all the litter gathered to the center of the liner/box. She then, very neatly, gathered the liner up and around the litter, like a nice little package. With a bow. Yup, did her business on top of the liner. Mom took the hint. :)
I just love cats so much, even though I cannot even imagine what my two would do if I tried liners...
What a mess! We had a very large cat who would think his rear end was in the box, but it was actually hanging over the edge. I bought a lot of litter boxes.
First of all that clumping litter .. the stuff that makes it clump? It gets on their fur, they lick/groom and get blockage in the intestines.. so dump it now ... go get Feline Pine .. its biodegradable .. flush-able ...has very little dust or tracking issues ... win win win ... both Gus and Rose swear by it ..
Can you recommend a good med for hyped up dogs? Rescue remedy doesn't seem to work...on me, or the pets...
That's why my dog won't let a cat in the house;)
Oh, you really did not post a photo of Noelle's litter box!!!! LOL...LOL...LOL...
Love it! I deal with dog hair myself. It is a new source of protein.
The only real solution is ummm, heck I have no idea which is why I've never had a cat. Bow Wow.
You are too funny! I hear you can rent a jack-hammer from Taylor Rentals.
ha ha rent a jack hammer. Annie made my day. I don't have a kitty any longer but when back in the day of litter we tried EVERYTHING. Finally a large tub and did almost the same thing that Marsha did. The only problem was the cat wanted to stay in there kind of like a new house. Cat hair? That is the down side to having them in the house...but I love cats so much I put up with it.
Goodness. More wine. That's the answer. More wine.
All I have to add is - cat hair on lip gloss....... you haven't lived until you've tried it....
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Totally praying!
This is EXACTLY why I trained my cat to do her business outside!!!
BTW - Cat hair goes with everything;)
Oh no!!! I have always had liner in my cat's box and she never messes with it. I use Feline Pine and there is very little mess with it. Although, she would probably have to get used to it. Throwing up my arms in despair...I have no idea!
OH NO! Now you are probably sick, right?! Hope you find a solution real soon.
Came by way of Sally's Whispering Hope...Hahahahahaaa...Your post was FUNNY!!!
Have a great day!!
Guh! Sounds like lots of challenges, but like you've got one well-taken-care-of cat.
We have a wee tiny cat. We originally called her Monica, but learned you have to call a cat by its true name. She is DeMonica. She wants to live with you. She does not require meds.
Thomas J was raised with kitty litter liners so he leaves them alone...but at least Noelle doesn't set fires.
Yeah we've tried the litter liners too. Ended up just getting pee everywhere but in the litter!
Our cats are both dead now, and although I miss them, I don't miss cleaning out the litter tray!
Loved the photos! :D
OMG. Well, I'm glad you tackled this with Malbec at hand...however, you might need something stronger for the clean-up.
Oh, dear God, how I feel your pain with that litter box.
The only help I can suggest is to go straight back to that Malbec and toss that bottle right back to your head.
Maybe a different kind of litter? How about the crystals? You have a very smart cat, she has her boundaries. Your little illustrations are adorable. Now I know how that cat hair gets into everything!
Well, your original plan was ingenious. Too bad the cat had her own agenda. And that clumping stuff sounds weird.
Oh, wow. I can sorta feel your pain. My Angel still can only walk a couple steps, which means she still pees on herself. I just got done giving her a bikini and tail trim, to try to keep her dry. That followed by the Desitin ointment her doc recommended. How fun.
Good luck with that floor. WOW.
couldn't possibly develop kitty medicine that makes their poo disintegrate into a fine, sparkly, fairy dust, now could they?
Oh, Lordy me.
Hee hee hee hee hee hee! The very reason I bought an enclosed Cabana type catbox years ago. The little heathen can scratch & fling to her heart's content & it doesn't mess up my room....
oh Lawsy...;p
I'm no help...I just have a BIG DOG...but that seriously sucks...bless your ♥
Your title says it all when a cat is involved. Good luck. Twenty minutes after vacuuing--I could time it--Pika leaves a clump of white fur on the carpet. Tonight our Healthy Living class came inside as the wind was too fierce to stay on the lawn swings and there on the carpet were five or six fur clumps. Thank you Pika for showing what a crappy housekeeper I am.
Yep our Cookie cat has the wide open yonder to do her business. But she insists on keeping her hairs inside!
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