I am bored this rainy, gloomy day.
I found these on Zappos.com
The brand is called Promiscuous.
They are kinda growing on me, too.
Send help.
Oh, and in other news, that Pregnant Dude is preggers again.
You can't make this junk up. Seriously.

To Hell in a handbasket.
That's where we are heading.
And now, having said that, I am officially an old lady.
Yessiree, you can take that to the bank.
See? I can't control myself.
What stunning shoes! As in, I am stunned they're made, let alone bought by someone!
Maybe when my crocs wear out I should get these for gardening - they look very durable.
those shoes, roaches and all those nasty plastic shopping bags will be here long after we're all dust.
Zappos? So did you check to see if there's a pair in 10.5 or 11? Dont you love how when you decide to buy a pair of shoes there they say 'hurry,its the last pair in your size'
Stay away from the Zappos site! Do not click "buy"! Run. Run Fast.
Yes, I am feeling better...great diet...lost 7 pounds...but I do not recommend this type of dieting!
And...you are not alone. I am an old lady as well. Let's all stand up and be proud!
Some how those lucite platform shoes of my youth, you know the ones with the goldfish in them, don't seem so awful. Of course I wouldn't buy any thing so hideous then and I won't buy them now.
And as far as the "pregnant man," what a joke. He/she isn't a man in my book without one essential piece of a man's anatomy.
Yes and at a pretty fast rate at that. Not quite sure why YOU said that...but I have to agree. You and them darn shoes!
Yup. Old and crotchety. That's me. Maybe we can go to hell-in-a- handbasket-built-for-two! As I just said in another comment on another site: more and more, I don't even want to leave my house. Just saran wrap me in. Because you know SOMEONE will buy those shoes...
How is it that a pregnant dude can get pregnant and I can't! WAH.
-Infertile Mertile.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
The *itch who wears these, swings from trees.
Sorry - I blame the rain.
I wear those exact shoes every night! I love them!
eeekkkkkkk hidious shoes... lock me in and toss the key... well let me out in MY yard and I will be happy!
Hugs ME and the cat...and Squirt LOL
are we sure those are shoes? looks like a pair of candle holders or flower vases to me.
You MUST wear those shoes to the Virginia Blogapalooza. They would go well with a nice add-a-bead necklace. Muffi will be green with envy. Plus, it will be VERY easy to identify you:)
Are there fish in the platform?
Those are kinda pretty but I'd break my neck if I ever tryed to wear them...
I know I saw that about the dude being pregnant...crazy world we live in...I guess it takes all kinds =0]
I have a fancy pair of shoes like that thanks to your Squazz!! Cheri, Melissa, your guy and I all went to Ruby's one night. Melissa dropped the beer we were supposed to bring in with us and we had to drink Cutty. Ew. They're fun shoes to have when they are pilfered from a strip club. Come in and see me at Dunville's this sunday. We have chardonnay!!!
Do you get your own pole with those shoes? How about a pair of nipple tassles? Nice to meet you. First time here.
I need some of these to wear to the ER.. NOT!! I will stick with my Crocs, LOLOL
I heard about the preggo man/woman today. Exactly how or maybe I should say who is impregnating this guy? His wife has had a total hysterectomy....
Old ladies don't wear shoes like this.
Old ladies don't look like you.
Old ladies don't shop at cool places like Zappos.com.
Don't worrry . . . you're not even close to old yet.
Beware of Zappos, though. Very addicting.
Of course the brand is called Promiscuous. What else what it be called.
I would love to see an old lady in those shoes.
Your comments about the "dude" were so nice. Much nicer than I feel about this disent into hell into a hand basket. I need to chill. A dog. A hobby.
I don't do shoes. Any ideas? LOL
I have no money so it has to be free and I miss my jet ski trips.
I should go buy Twighlight. :)
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